
Podcasting... it's a reality.

I've talked very little on the 'blog about the fact that I'm now involved in a motorcycle podcast - The Pace Motorcycle Podcast. The show is a motocycling general interest audio presentation covering a light look into industry news, opinions, the occasional rant and a section on feedback and follow up. Occasionally we'll have guests and interviews, "how to" and special-topic segments, but for the most part, we're planning on maintaining a simple format with a conversational and relaxed tone.

My friend James of The Thirteen-Moto blog and I started doing the show 3 months ago with the idea that we would do the show that we enjoy listening to. If others enjoy it, all the better. I am thrilled and humbled at the overwhelming positive feedback and constructive criticism.
In these short few months and 12 shows in the feed at the time of this writing, people have responded with topic ideas, feedback on the format and the discussions, and have been very vocal about the things they like and dislike about the show.

What I find most amazing is that each week people are willing - and at times eager - to give us an hour or two of their time, to invite us into their cars, homes, etc., and listen to us. Each week the download numbers increase a little bit, and each week or two we are honored with more reviews, word of mouth advertising and, on occasion, a lengthy email asking questions or providing an in-depth or passionate responses to a topic we have discussed on the show.

Many listeners have commented along similar lines; that they feel like they want to sit back with a cold one and join in the conversations James and I have.

Think about that a minute. We're resonating with people, just by sitting down and having sincere, some times snarky and irreverent covnerstations about motorcycle stuff. And I am... honored.

I don't really know what else to say.

Thank you.

Now that we have a good format and our pipeline of topics and guests is pretty steady, and with James and I trading off and sharing more duties on the show prep and post-production work, I'd like to get back to writing more for the blog. James and I just discussed this as part of this week's production meeting and he and I both agree - the 'blogs, the show and the Facebook and forum presences can - and should - all work together to help build a community around The Pace.

So look for James' and my 'blogs to become more active and more show-related, and of course, be sure to check out the show forums.

Again... thank you.

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